Canine Wellness Tips

Have you ever wondered why dogs like their ears rubbed?

In order to understand why massage and bodywork modalities impact our dogs positively it is important to recognize two main parts of the central nervous system (CNS); one is called the sympathetic nervous system, the other is the parasympathetic nervous system. The CNS is the the body’s processing centre. There is a third part called the peripheral nervous system, however that is another topic.

Simply put the sympathetic nervous system stimulates the “fight or flight “ response, the parasympathetic nervous system stimulates the body to “rest and digest”. Massage/bodywork mainly addresses your dog’s parasympathetic nervous system.

There are three parasympathetic nerves sets outside the spinal core that when activated encourage the “rest and digest” state.   One of these nerves is the Vagus Nerve.

The Vagus Nerve is the longest nerve in the body, wandering from the brain stem to the lowest viscera of  the dog’s abdomen. The Vagus Nerve serves a large part of the mid portion of your dog’s ear.

When you rub your dog’s ear using moderate pressure massage it helps by releasing a hormone called acetylcholine that functions as a neurotransmitter.  It slows the dog’s heart rate, breathing and lowers blood pressure and cortisol.

Give it a try the next time your dog is overly excited or anxious.
